
Geralyn St Joseph - Psychic, Author, Intuitive Coach, Speaker

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Psychic Intuitive Services from Geralyn St Joseph

Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph is available for private psychic readings, group psychic readings, Gallery style psychic readings, mystical parties, intuitive business consultations, and corporate events as a psychic reader or a motivational speaker. Her services are available in person, by phone and over the Internet via email, SKYPE, Zoom, Google Duo, WhatsApp or FB Messenger. (Initial readings must be done in person or over the phone.) Contact Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph to discuss your needs:


“All the services I provide as a psychic intuitive are geared toward helping you achieve a greater awareness of your place in the world and your effect upon it.“

Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph

Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph can do her psychic readings in a variety of ways utilizing a number of different tools. Her primary method for an initial reading is using the Oracle of the Triad divinatory deck. She also uses the Tarot upon request, or any number of Oracle Cards. Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph can also begin your session by using your signature, palm or a variety of gemstones. Some of these methods are obviously available only in face to face sessions. Each method has it's own flavor, ultimately leading into a full psychic intuitive session. In other words, some readings are geared more towards the everyday, while others are more Spiritually based, however with a full reading [generally an hour or more] you can have similar results.

You can have a very targeted reading, focusing on a specific question. Or you can have a broader perspective with a more general focus and a longer psychic reading. Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph will host sessions as short as 15 minutes, but a minimum of 30 minutes is suggested for new clients. We hope to connect with you soon! Blessings!~

Spiritual Guidance in Psychic Readings

The information I impart to you comes from many sources, including your own guides, my guides, and Spirit. Spirit is the universal force known as the Holy Spirit. I am clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, and can act as a medium.

 In a psychic reading you are given the information you most need to know. This isn’t always what you think you need to know. I usually begin my readings with a general reading and allow you to ask questions that are more specific after Spirit has a say. The information that comes through me in a psychic reading is often about your life path and the relationships that surround you and effect you.

 I cannot promise to tell you what you want to hear, but I promise to tell you what your guides need you to know. - Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph

Courtesy and Guidlines

Once your appointment is set please make note of the time. If you are running late please inform us via text preferably. If you need to reschedule, inform us as early as possible. If we are NOT informed of these issues BEFORE the appointment time, the time is lost and there will be no refund. Rescheduling lost time due to client's absence is at our discretion. 

Couple’s Guidance - Spiritual and Intuitive

When couples enter counseling, it is generally at the insistence of one person. Unless both parties are willing to actively participate in the healing process by working together and individually, nothing in the relationship will change.

 My style of guidance incorporates frank discussion and interactive communication exercises to practice at home. The lessons learned during our sessions are integral to all our relationships and help us to live a more fulfilled and productive life.

 The results of this style of couple’s guidance are generally evident by the third or fourth session.

Negative Statement Release

All of us have negative statements in our subconscious that effect the way we act and react to people and situations. These negative statements are the stray thoughts and beliefs that keep us from truly attaining our potential.

 Negative statement release is done with the use of a unique tool that is endowed with high frequency positive affirmations. I perform a short ritual that transfers these frequencies into your subconscious, replacing the negative statements.

Corporate Events

Make your corporate event exciting and effective with a motivational [can be interactive] talk. Let me know what topic you would like.


Give your employees the option of a psychic reading or signature analysis.

Contact Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph to discuss your options.

Intuitive Business Consulting

I have been in management in many different types of companies and I find that one thing is consistent throughout – people. When you’re working with people you need to be aware of not only skill sets when building a team, but personalities. Conflict within the ranks at any level makes a business less productive. Learn techniques to minimize this conflict and make your business more efficient. Create an atmosphere where your people are motivated to achieve their best.

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