
Geralyn St Joseph - Psychic, Author, Intuitive Coach, Speaker

Experience Life At 100%!

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There are Monsters under my Bed!  Empowering Your Child against the Darkness

As a parent or a caregiver we have all heard the words at bedtime “I’m afraid’. Whether it is monsters under the bed or in the closet, or a simple fear of being in the dark, all children experience some form of it. Dutiful parents will march into the bedroom and check under the bed, or in the closet and reassure their children that there is nothing there.

But what if your child shows genuine fear? What do you do when your child still insists that the enemy is there?

There are simple steps to take regardless of your faith to dismiss these errant beings who terrorize, wittingly or not, our little ones.  The first thing to do is check the room, however do not dismiss their fear. ‘I don’t see anything honey, but I can show you what to do if it comes back.” Then sit with the child in the dark and let them know it’s okay to tell the thing to leave very forcefully. They can say it in their minds and still be heard. Practice together.

They can call for their guardian angel to wrap their wings around them for comfort and protection. Practice doing this by requesting the angelic assistance and then breathing deeply to help the child relax and feel the angelic presence. Whether you believe in angels or not, the deep breathing will alleviate the child’s anxiety and help them to relax.

Teach them a prayer of protection. It can be any prayer you choose from the Our Father to The Spirit of the Great White Light. Or you can teach them a simple mantra like ‘I am a child of God and I am safe!” Again they need to breathe deeply while saying this forcefully. Any of these verbal methods need to be repeated 3 times at least.

Empower your child against the darkness, don’t dismiss it. By acknowledging their fears you are supporting your child’s emotional development. You are helping to create a self aware, confident person. At no other time in recent history have we been afforded the opportunity to come together and discuss our children’s needs. The information is out there. Raise a healthy adult.

Intuitive Parent Coach Geralyn St. Joseph currently travels the US.

To contact Geralyn St. Joseph call 808 261-7866 or email

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Are You Feeling That It's Time?

Time to Change? Time to do more? Be more? Time to get out from under all that baggage?

Lately I have been seeing a trend. It seems that this period of time is ripe for new beginnings and BIG transitions. We find ourselves in a position of great changes. What we need is a clean slate. We need to lighten the load and release anything that no longer serves us, anything that is holding us back.

It can be quite powerful to ride that energy into a higher, lighter vibration as a group. So I am inviting you to experience a major energetic clearing to ease your shift into the future. I am inviting you to jump into the FLOW…

This is a pre-recorded online video event!

Because I feel this has urgency, I am offering it to my friends and clients at a deep discount.

I normally charge 120 to 180 per clearing method, but in this live event you will experience at least 3 types of clearing/healing. Let’s see where Spirit guides us!

This event will include:

Soul Retrieval ~ we call back the pieces of ourselves we left behind due to trauma. And we welcome them back, integrate their lessons and heal their wounds

Universal Light Cleansing & Protection ~ We call the Universal Light of Unconditional love to heal us, clear us of all that no longer serves us and to empower us to grown into the fullness of our being

Renunciation of Binding & Contracts / Embracing the Flow of Spirit ~ We unravel the energies that hold us back and keep us from our truth. We release the illusion of lack and separation and choose a new path.

AND maybe more!

It's Time!

The New NOW

The New Now ~ The Art of Presence in These Changing Times

Being present has been a topic of discussion and consideration for quite some time. Now we are being called to be fully present as who we fully are. Be the Being you are - fully. Travel through the world fully expanded, fully you.

That means showing up full power, totally you, unrestricted.

Just the mere thought of this can bring up a great deal of anxiety and doubt. That being said, the New Now is not about the acceptance or validation from the outer other, but rather, the full acceptance and embracing of the entirety of you by you!

Being small serves no one. Playing small doesn’t give those around you the inspiration or the capacity to be big. It merely allows others to stand on your neck and incapacitate your true knowing.

Are you ready to really show up? to truly be present? To live in every moment?

What does that look like? It looks like giving your attention to who, and what, is in front of you. You can prepare for tomorrow, just don't live there. Take your lessons from the past, but don't use your past as an excuse to not live in the now.

Being fully YOU is not as simple. So many of us are very far from our authentic core. Throughout our lives we put on layers of shielding to make it through the world. These layers often drown out our unique voice. Oftentimes these layers are so deep and so old that we don't realize they even exist. It is uncomfortable to be ourselves. It makes us vulnerable, truly vulnerable.

Well, that doesn't sound very enticing, does it?  But, living as our authentic selves is incredibly powerful. Far more powerful than living under all those layers.

If you are ready and willing to dig deep to excavate your authentic Self, contact me. Let's work together. Relationship Empowerment Coach Geralyn St Joseph

Are You Feeling That It's Time?

Time to Change? Time to do more? Be more? Time to get out from under all that baggage?

Lately I have been seeing a trend. It seems that this period of time is ripe for new beginnings and BIG transitions. We find ourselves in a position of great changes. What we need is a clean slate. We need to lighten the load and release anything that no longer serves us, anything that is holding us back.

It can be quite powerful to ride that energy into a higher, lighter vibration as a group. So I am inviting you to experience a major energetic clearing to ease your shift into the future. I am inviting you to jump into the FLOW…

This is a pre-recorded online video event!

Because I feel this has urgency, I am offering it to my friends and clients at a deep discount.

I normally charge 120 to 180 per clearing method, but in this live event you will experience at least 3 types of clearing/healing. Let’s see where Spirit guides us!

This event will include:

Soul Retrieval ~ we call back the pieces of ourselves we left behind due to trauma. And we welcome them back, integrate their lessons and heal their wounds

Universal Light Cleansing & Protection ~ We call the Universal Light of Unconditional love to heal us, clear us of all that no longer serves us and to empower us to grown into the fullness of our being

Renunciation of Binding & Contracts / Embracing the Flow of Spirit ~ We unravel the energies that hold us back and keep us from our truth. We release the illusion of lack and separation and choose a new path.

AND maybe more!

It's Time!

The Divine Feminine – Finding the Divine Feminine in Our World

The Divine Feminine – Finding the Divine Feminine in Our World

~ Not Just For Women

Join Geralyn St Joseph and the extraordinary Sorimar Estrada as they discuss the Divine Feminine in all her forms.

  • - Exploring Forms of the Feminine
  • - The Importance of Sound
  • - Acknowledging the Shadow
  • - How to recognize her in yourself and others
  • - Accepting the Feminine
  • - Empowering and nurturing the Feminine
  • - Honoring the Divine Feminine in you [male or female]
  • - Feminine power expressions vs masculine expression
  • - Equality does not mean Sameness
  • - Balancing with the Divine Masculine
  • - Moving from the masculine model of living to the truly feminine
  • - Supporting your fellow females – Can’t we all just get along?
  • - Feminine Leadership vs Boss Lady
  • - Sensual or Maternal
  • - Wearing 2 hats – being a single parent
  • - Connecting with your higher self
  • - Release fear & trauma

Geralyn St Joseph is an Intuitive Relationship Coach and author. She resides in PA currently. She has been helping others since grade school and began her professional journey of bringing Joy to this world in 1994. She offers a variety of services all geared toward assisting you in your relationship with Spirit and finding better communication in all your relationships.

Her sessions help you to recognize your true Self and assist in empowering you to your potential. Each session is unique and powerful. Are you willing to be you 100%?

Sorimar Estrada is an Intuitive Transformation Coach and Energy Practitioner. She was born in Puerto Rico, raised in Connecticut and now is traveling the world on a soul led journey learning indigenous practices and bringing holistic medicine to those looking for a more natural and deeper approach. She offers a variety of holistic practices including events, retreats and private sessions to help you heal unconscious patterns, beliefs, while at the same time re-programming your mind and co-creating with Spirit. When these practices are embodied the outcome is a healthy mind, body and spirit, which will allow you to reclaim your inner authority and live your best life.

Choosing the Right Psychic for You

Selecting the right psychic is much like choosing a doctor. You need to find someone who is good at what they do, empathetic, caring and professional. Ultimately it comes down to your own personal preference. You need to feel comfortable with and have some confidence in whoever you choose.

Just as each doctor has a different bedside manner, each psychic practitioner has a different style. Not only that, the variety of modalities seems endless. There are so many ways to open your Intuition and receive the information that I would need to write a book to simply scratch the surface. However, there are a few basic queues to look for regardless of your preference.

In all professions you will find a wide range of people; those that simply do it for the money, the charlatans, the honest, the ethical and the professional, among others. So what should you look for? What should clue you in that the person you're dealing with isn't totally above board?

Observe the practitioner when they are doing a reading. Do they really listen? Do they seem sincere? Are they more concerned with the time limit and the money than they are with your welfare? Will they simply leave you crying when your time is up, or do they guide you back to a better place?

The question is what kind of state they leave you in. Are they being comforting? If you come across a painful experience, can they help you through it? Having someone see who you really are behind your everyday facade can be a very moving experience. There are times when you will walk away from a reading with tears in your eyes. A good cry is a healthy outlet for your emotions. It can be very cleansing.

Also, you need to remember that we all relate to information through our own filters; our past, our environment, our beliefs, etc. This is a natural human trait. Be aware of that when having a reading. For example, when I was pregnant with my daughter I had several readings; more for advice on my relationship with her father than anything else. A psychic actually suggested I have an abortion, seeing my relationship as basically over. She was so afraid of single motherhood that she could not even conceive of it. She was sincere and trying to be helpful, but that was not good advice for me.

The only way to discover some of these things is to experience them. But, referrals can help. What kinds of things are said about the person? No one is going to be universally adored, so don't write someone off because you hear of one bad experience. We all have bad days; maybe that was one of them. Or the person giving their opinion may not have liked what they were told because it was not what they wanted to hear. I could tell you stories...

There are definite things that should raise red flags for you. You need to be wary of psychics who speak in absolutes. Anyone who claims 100% accuracy is a liar. Scientific studies have shown that even the best of us have 78% to 85% accuracy. A normal person usually rates a 30%.

Be careful of practitioners who throw the word evil around. It is a very powerful word and most of us do not use it lightly. Everyone's heard stories about the kind of psychic who sees evil around you that must be removed, or you will be in great peril and your situation will only worsen. These practitioners will require that you pay them copious amounts of money to remove it. They will usually have you come back for several sessions.

Another variation on this is the psychic who tries to ride your coattails to success. I once had to deal with a psychic who would insert herself into your reading if she saw any kind of success for you.

What is sad about this type of fraud is that I have found many of these types to actually be accurate and gifted psychics. I don't understand the greed and lust for power which accompanies this type of behavior.

Basically, THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. Even Jesus said [Matthew 7:15] "Be on your guard against false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but underneath are wolves on the prowl. You will know them by their deeds."

How do you feel after a reading? Was it uplifting and helpful, or did it foster fear?

Very little of what happens to you is unavoidable. You need to take responsibility for your own future. Our purpose is to give you an idea of the landscape; you need to decide how you will navigate it. Blessings!

Spiritual Journey – Anger and Us

Recently I have noticed an Undercurrent of anger and angst. It sits there with us throughout the day, sometimes barely beneath the surface. Our anger and angst is there to prompt us to action. The confusion comes when we are unsure of what action we are being guided towards.

When we remain conscious of this undercurrent of emotion we can choose our action instead of responding with a knee jerk reaction. We can also choose to acknowledge the impersonal nature of the emotions. When we don’t handle this energy in this way we tend to assign blame to someone or something outside ourselves. Maybe instead of asking ‘Why do I feel angry, anxious, sad?’ pose the question as ‘What is this emotion all about?’ or ‘What is this emotion trying to show me?’. When we ask Why our psyches and the Universe conspire to support our belief. We will be given the answer to our question. These answers are valid on some level, but not useful. It is our decision whether to become lost in the rabbit hole of downward spiraling thought processes, or to release the core issue.

Let’s collectively and individually make the decision not to FEED this emotion. When we feed it by finding reasons to justify the way we are feeling, we merely strengthen and solidify the experience in our energetic field. We can be aware of the emotions without feeding them. Like a stray cat the anger may still be in the neighborhood, but it will no longer be yowling at your front door. You want to find its rightful place and return it, not adopt it.

When I say not to feed the angst, I am not advocating stuffing your emotions and ignoring it. But rather to acknowledge its impersonal nature by letting it be impersonal, by not assigning blame or giving it direction. These types of emotional reactions can be pivotal in your spiritual growth.

What is this emotion trying to show you? Remember: It is NOT personal. So you may think that it is about your argument with your boss, or something similarly specific, but it is not. That may just be the trigger, the indicator that there is something deeper, bigger that requires your attention. Is this energy reflected elsewhere, like a theme running through your life at the moment? Maybe it isn’t really about your boss; maybe the issue is value and respect. Do others value and respect you? Since the outer is a reflection of the inner; Do you value and respect yourself? Are you true to yourself? Are you living an authentic life, being and authentic version of you?

I feel that this undercurrent of angst is a global call for authenticity. A wake up call for all of us to awaken to who we are and who we are meant to be; Awaken to the tapestry of the Universe, God, the All That Is. We are pieces in a puzzle, threads in a tapestry, equally important, equally responsible.

It is not about continuing to feed the angst and anger, negativity and frustration, but breaking through it. Rising about it to discover you, the authentic, whole being of you.

Who are you really? Not the roles that you play or masks that you wear, not your job, or your past, or your hometown.

Who are you?  ~ Why are you here? ~ What do you hope to accomplish?

It is time to climb out of the box you put yourself in and show us who you are at your core!

Blessings! Geralyn St Joseph

Surfing the Dimensional Shift

Something is different. Let's explore the dimensional shift that is occurring. This is not a simple energy wave that we are experiencing, it is a shift, movement, change. Lasting change, a new way of being in the Universe. What do we need to do to not simply survive, but thrive in this new environment? 

You may have noticed a change around you. For some it is very subtle, for others it is very apparent. Either way, it is happening and creating anxiety or excitement, depending on how you choose to view it. Being aware of this energetic is essential to thriving through it.

Basically an ancient dimensional doorway has just opened and we are dealing with things that we haven't seen on this plane in millennium. It is affecting all the sensitives in a variety of ways, many in very subtle ways. But this can have big effects on the mentally ill and we need to become hyper sensitive to our own intuitive natures in order to navigate this shift safely. 

Feeling the Shift:

Anger can be sudden and explosive. Be AWARE as this may come from you or towards you.

Cleansing the Past ~  Repeat of old issues at a deeper level. This gives you the opportunity to respond more lovingly, to grow and expand past these issues.

Communication is key. Communication with Self and others including your Spirit and guides.

Awareness and heightening our discernment to outside influence using Psychic Self Defense.

Intensified emotions

Increased physical symptoms

This is about learning to consistently CHOOSE our path 

These energies that are hanging out are very difficult to pinpoint. They are ancient and may be seen as evil, or they can be viewed as potent transformational beings. The thing is that they pinpoint your weaknesses, find the cracks in your armor and utilize that to shift your energetic for good or for ill. The key is to realize when it is happening and CHOOSE how to move with the energy.  Once discovered these energetics/entities will back off or hide. 

House Cleaning

House Cleaning  - A good message for now and later!

Now is a time to go through our houses [inner and outer] and cut the fat. Now more than ever we need to release that which no longer serves us or it will drag us down, painfully. If we choose to allow things to simply happen the consequences are harsh and will be felt, though it may take some time.

Things are being brought to our attention now so that we can proactively go through this process. It is time to acknowledge both how far we’ve come and what is still in need of attention:
-Where are we still wounded? 
What are we grasping on to that no longer serves a purpose? 
-Who are we holding back and who is holding us back from something greater because of long ago promises that are no longer relevant? 
-Where do we have a foot, or other piece of ourselves, stuck in the past? 
-What ideas, dreams, relationships and projects do we need to let go of?
Now is the time to be preemptive about our energy fields. We need to fortify ourselves with our intention. Be clear and focus on the energy that supports you; Doing the opposite will drag you down quickly. As long as we are aware of this energetic pull we can hold ourselves above the fray and note the difficulties of others without participating ourselves. When we feel ourselves falling we can change direction if we remain AWARE.
Do not be fooled. 

Do not be complacent. 

Change is happening at an accelerated rate right now. Our free will allows us to do this the hard way or the less difficult way. I wouldn‘t say easy because we are so reluctant to let go

Follow your bliss: What makes you happy? What brings you joy? 
These are the markers of the soul, all else needs to be let go or modified. 
Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Prayers to Release Unwanted and Extraneous Energy

Prayers to Release Unwanted and Extraneous Energy

I am offering this process for you to try if you are ready to have a more flowing life. 

You will find these prayers in my new book this spring. 
Let me know how you felt with this process and please check back later with any results after a week or so. 
I feel this process is very powerful, so if you want help with it schedule a session with me. Enjoy!
Begin with protection and general clearing:
Unity Prayer of Protection
The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us;
Wherever we are, God Is and all is well!
White light meditation and/or Christ blood clearing
May the presence of the Christ be with me.
Blood of Christ fill me, cleanse me and release from all negativity
Wash away all that no longer serves me
Break the chains that bind me, confine me and confuse me
Blood of Christ protect me
Thank you for your loving presence, your guidance and your protection now and forever.
Renunciation of Binding/ Embracing the Flow of Spirit
I, [state full name], revoke, rescind, renounce, dismantle, deconstruct and de-story any and all pacts, contracts, covenants, bargains, obligations, engagements, commitments, assumptions, vows and agreements spoken, written, thought or otherwise constructed in this or any lifetime, on or off this world, in all timelines, all dimensions and all universes to be bound by any means to any entity or force that compels the illusion of lack, lonliness, limitation or separation from the all-that-is.
I hereby break the chains that bind me, confine me and confuse me and
I take back the breath and the energy that it took to make them.
I give back whatever was given to me in the exchange.
And so as I am released so are those bound to me.
I make a new choice this day!
I choose to live fully present and aware in clarity, love and compassion.
I choose to live in prosperity, abundance, great wealth, good health
in light, love, compassion, peace, power, beauty and joy!
I choose to live fully as the BEING I AM
and to be an inspiration to others to do the same to create a powerful ocean of love and awareness in this world and all others now and forever.
Geralyn St Joseph


Wholistic University
Pittsfield, ME 04967
808 261-7866

Are you Ungrounded? What does that mean?

Spiritual Beings Having an Earth Experience

In western society the root is often represented as the first chakra, even referred to as the base. However, there are three often forgotten chakras that rest below the root chakra. These three are essential in our energetic health. Their role is to support the entire system as a cleansing agent. They are the drain in the sink, without them everything becomes clogged and quickly becomes unmanageable.
Earth Chakkra or Gaia Point
We truly are spiritual beings having a human experience. When we experience challenges we sometimes question our choice to be here. When we do this we can disconnect from our physical bodies. This disconnection from our physical bodies [and consequently, Mother Earth] can cause physical pain as the body/spirit connection is strained. Joint aches, headaches, blurred vision, loss of balance, nausea, forgetfulness, fuzzy thinking and more can result. All this is a symptom of being ‘ungrounded’.
Most people in the metaphysical community use the term ‘grounding’. ‘She’s so un-grounded’; ‘You just need to ground yourself’ etc. The act of grounding is done to connect ourselves to the Earth. It is a re-connection to the planet and our physical bodies.
Most that use the term don’t really have a concept of what it is, or how it is done. It has almost become a cliché.
When we ‘ground’ ourselves we release excess energy we have picked up through various means. Directing our energy through the Gaia Point allows us to ultimately release our ‘energetic baggage’, our stress and negativity, into the Earth to be recycled and utilized in a beneficial way. And thus we play our part as an instrument of the Earth’s energy system.
Energy is neutral. We label it as positive or negative, but at its core energy is neutral. Energy is meant to be returned to Source to be recycled, reused, and reassigned. Dust to dust and so on.
We release this energy through our Gaia Point. I have perceived this point as a variety of colors from reddish-brown to golden green. I recognize this point as always in the Earth itself, always below us. I have heard it described as 18 inches below the feet, I find this to be true when one is standing on the ground. However, when one is horizontal the point is directly below their center in the Earth. This point stays anchored in the Earth regardless of distance [I have no idea how this works with space travel since I have not had any astronauts as clients since I began working with this point].
There are a variety of ways to ground ourselves and reconnect with this Earth energy. Some of my favorites are the most simple, but not always the easiest to accomplish depending on where you live. Things such as: Walking barefoot on the ground – in dirt, on grass or sand – while being aware of the Earth beneath your feet is the quickest way to reconnect; a walk in the woods, touching the trees and being aware that you are exchanging breath with these wonderful living things; swimming in the ocean or other natural body of water and being aware of the flow of energy that exists there. Notice the key word here is AWARE. Being aware of the life force that flows through nature helps us to connect to it. Awareness comes through appreciation.
I use the terms Gaia and Earthinterchangeably. I apologize if this offends anyone, however I perceive Gaia as the personification of the Earth as a living being. Earth seems so impersonal whereas I feel that the term Gaia holds a natural respect and affection deserving of this life supporting entity.
But what if you are not in a position to connect directly with nature? Not to worry, there are plenty of options. You can use any number of representations of the Earth to focus on from pictures of a tree to a sound machine that mimics the ocean to a houseplant and more. Be imaginative. Even a drop of pure maple syrup on your tongue can connect you to Gaia.
If you think about it, just about everything around you has some essence of the Earth. Short of things like plastic and polyester most things are gifts from our Earth mother. So finding something to touch, view, hear, taste, smell or even visualize is not an issue. If I am stuck in the house I like to watch a video of the ocean and hold a bit of sea salt. But that’s me I’m an island girl at heart. Maybe you want to hold your houseplant or smell the leftover branches of your Christmas Tree [Disclaimer: I do not advocate the slaughter of innocent trees for decoration] The point is that we all can find what works best for us and we can use a variety of these techniques.
To find out more contact me for a full chakra cleansing and balancing. 
808 261-7866
Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
808 261-7866

Be Empowered with Completing the Circle! New eBook

Be Empowered with Completing the Circle! New eBook

Completing the Circle - Path to Self-Empowerment
Let me help you find your way to a joy-filled life. 
REALize  your true self and reconnect to Spirit. 
Discover your Intuition. 
Learn how to stay balanced in any situation. 
Be the Best YOU! Are you ready?
This easy to digest book, based on Geralyn's 6-week course, is now available at

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

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There are Monsters under my Bed!  Empowering Your Child against the Darkness

As a parent or a caregiver we have all heard the words at bedtime “I’m afraid’. Whether it is monsters under the bed or in the closet, or a simple fear of being in the dark, all children experience some form of it. Dutiful parents will march into the bedroom and check under the bed, or in the closet and reassure their children that there is nothing there.

But what if your child shows genuine fear? What do you do when your child still insists that the enemy is there?

There are simple steps to take regardless of your faith to dismiss these errant beings who terrorize, wittingly or not, our little ones.  The first thing to do is check the room, however do not dismiss their fear. ‘I don’t see anything honey, but I can show you what to do if it comes back.” Then sit with the child in the dark and let them know it’s okay to tell the thing to leave very forcefully. They can say it in their minds and still be heard. Practice together.

They can call for their guardian angel to wrap their wings around them for comfort and protection. Practice doing this by requesting the angelic assistance and then breathing deeply to help the child relax and feel the angelic presence. Whether you believe in angels or not, the deep breathing will alleviate the child’s anxiety and help them to relax.

Teach them a prayer of protection. It can be any prayer you choose from the Our Father to The Spirit of the Great White Light. Or you can teach them a simple mantra like ‘I am a child of God and I am safe!” Again they need to breathe deeply while saying this forcefully. Any of these verbal methods need to be repeated 3 times at least.

Empower your child against the darkness, don’t dismiss it. By acknowledging their fears you are supporting your child’s emotional development. You are helping to create a self aware, confident person. At no other time in recent history have we been afforded the opportunity to come together and discuss our children’s needs. The information is out there. Raise a healthy adult.

Intuitive Parent Coach Geralyn St. Joseph currently travels the US.

To contact Geralyn St. Joseph call 808 261-7866 or email

Author & Psychic Geralyn St Joseph on Unnormal Paranormal podcast

Sit back

listen and ....

Join your hosts Rhonda Fels, Jeff Chavey and James Poston as they delve into a world beyond the known. Presenting to listeners the world of the unexplained -- mediums, life after death, hauntings, strange phenomena ... any and all topics that lie somewhere between the rational and your imagination.

They present, you decide : a dream or reality?

In this episode - Chakra Therapy Practitioner, author and psychic medium Geralyn St Joseph! Listen as Geralyn explains how seemingly distinct mental and physical ailments can SOMETIMES be closely tied and brought on by each other! She delivers a thought-provoking and intuitive insight into how an understanding of the body’s energy centers can aid in the healing process.

Later on, Geralyn helps convey a heartfelt message from beyond to our very own host, Rhonda Fels that you do not want to miss!

Listen here:

If you have any difficulty finding the podcast try here:


Tuning In to Your Intuition with Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph #1

Subscribe to access a powerful video!

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The World Is More Than We Know!  Available in print and ebook format

This book is about why we doubt, why we believe, whether we can change either our doubts or beliefs, and if there is value in doing so. The goal is to help people simply shift their perceptions ever so slightly from “This can’t be true” to “Maybe this is real,” so that they, too, may come to believe that the world really is more than we know. McDowell would of course love positive reviews if you enjoy the book!

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