Welcome 2025! Let's see what's coming!
Spiritual Guidance for the year ahead
Embark on a transformative journey with Spiritual Guidance from Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph.
Receive insightful predictions, empowering advice, and a holistic approach tailored to your unique path.
Book your appointment now for a session that will enlighten and empower you for the upcoming year.
Session typically lasts between 45m and 1.5 hours. Please make your payment below.
Second Tuesdays at Noon PT / 3pm ET ~ Voice of Spirit
Tuning In to Your Intuition with Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph #1
There are Monsters under my Bed! Empowering Your Child against the Darkness
As a parent or a caregiver we have all heard the words at bedtime “I’m afraid’. Whether it is monsters under the bed or in the closet, or a simple fear of being in the dark, all children experience some form of it. Dutiful parents will march into the bedroom and check under the bed, or in the closet and reassure their children that there is nothing there.
But what if your child shows genuine fear? What do you do when your child still insists that the enemy is there?
There are simple steps to take regardless of your faith to dismiss these errant beings who terrorize, wittingly or not, our little ones. The first thing to do is check the room, however do not dismiss their fear. ‘I don’t see anything honey, but I can show you what to do if it comes back.” Then sit with the child in the dark and let them know it’s okay to tell the thing to leave very forcefully. They can say it in their minds and still be heard. Practice together.
They can call for their guardian angel to wrap their wings around them for comfort and protection. Practice doing this by requesting the angelic assistance and then breathing deeply to help the child relax and feel the angelic presence. Whether you believe in angels or not, the deep breathing will alleviate the child’s anxiety and help them to relax.
Teach them a prayer of protection. It can be any prayer you choose from the Our Father to The Spirit of the Great White Light. Or you can teach them a simple mantra like ‘I am a child of God and I am safe!” Again they need to breathe deeply while saying this forcefully. Any of these verbal methods need to be repeated 3 times at least.
Empower your child against the darkness, don’t dismiss it. By acknowledging their fears you are supporting your child’s emotional development. You are helping to create a self aware, confident person. At no other time in recent history have we been afforded the opportunity to come together and discuss our children’s needs. The information is out there. Raise a healthy adult.
Intuitive Parent Coach Geralyn St. Joseph currently travels the US.
To contact Geralyn St. Joseph call 808 261-7866 or email spiritualparents@gmail.com
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The World Is More Than We Know! Available in print and ebook format https://amzn.to/32kVCSq
This book is about why we doubt, why we believe, whether we can change either our doubts or beliefs, and if there is value in doing so. The goal is to help people simply shift their perceptions ever so slightly from “This can’t be true” to “Maybe this is real,” so that they, too, may come to believe that the world really is more than we know. McDowell would of course love positive reviews if you enjoy the book!
Join Psychic Intuitive Geralyn St Joseph on 2nd Tuesdays at noon pst/ 3p est for Voice of Spirit ~ a podcast to help you with Your Spiritual Journey.
LISTEN LIVE HERE: http://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows-page/listen-live-2/
Access to replays: https://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows/voice-of-spirit/